Master Cafe Latte Iced Coffee 240ml
Master Cafe Latte Iced Coffee 240ml
Master Cafe Iced Coffee Latte is the indulgent one in the Master Cafe range. Using only a small percentage of dairy (4%), Latte has a sensationally subtle creaminess to it that is as refreshing and light, as it is delicious. Perfect for the afternoon pick-me-up or to satisfy that sweet craving, Master Cafe Latte does not use any artificial sweeteners, but instead uses a touch of sugar. At only 105 kcals per can, Latte can be your guilt-free, delicious and refreshing treat every day.
- Free from Alcohol, Crustacean, Egg, GMO, Hydrogenated fats, Nuts, Parabens, Pork
- Suitable forKosher, Low fat, Vegetarians