Clipper Green Tea & Echinacea - Fairtrade Organic 20 Bags
Clipper is dedicated to bringing you delicious teas that are beautiful inside and out. We consider everything from the sourcing of all of our ingredients, where the tea comes from, to the way we blend and pack it; whilst always upholding our policy of no artificial ingredients. We have led the way in organic, green and white teas, non-chemical decaffeination, becoming the UKs 1st Fairtrade tea brand and of course championing the very recognisable unbleached tea bag. So what difference does that make to you if youre brewing a cup of your favourite blend? Well, tea bags that go through the bleaching process contain a mixture of chemicals whereas unbleached bags dont undergo this unnecessary process. So if youre sipping a cup of tea made from an unbleached bag, you know that youre not only drinking something that tastes good, but something thats just a little bit less interfered with!ClipperGreen Tea & Echinacea - Fairtrade & OrganicPack Of 6