Quest Kyolic Garlic 1000mg Extract Tablets - 50% Extra (30+15s)
Discover our range of nutraceuticals products aged garlic contributes to normal heart, liver and immune function. Kyolic garlic is produced from organically grown cloves cold aged for 20 months to produce Sulphur containing compounds including s-allyl cysteine and s-allyl mercaptocysteine. Achieving performance without compromising integrity and through a commitment to ethical, enviromental, quality and manufacturing standards. All our decisions and actions are guided by a genuine commitment to ethical, far and responsible business practices. In particular one of our core principles is: "if we can prove it, We will make it" Quest products are developed with science at the forefront and are rigourously tested in-house to deliver their impact through effectiveness, Safety, reliability and quality. All of our products are developed and supported by a clear scientific platform in which all of our customers can trust. Our state-of- the art in-house laboratories screen and test all incoming raw material and outgoing finished ingredients and products. We understand that correct positioning or application of our products is vital to their effectiveness and success. We dedicate significant time and resources to develop a market positioning strategy and retailing and marketing support for our customers. Quest continuously strives to intodude innovation to its products and processes, both Pro actively to remain industry-leaders, and also through acting on the ongoing feedback we collect from the market and directly from our customers and from consumers. This innovation delivers newer and more effective products and health solutions to our customers.Produced from organically grown cold aged garlic clovesContains water and oil soluble compoundsOdourless and gentle on the stomach