Suma Organic Minestrone Soup 400g
Suma Organic Minestrone Soup 400 g Suma is a vegetarian business and animal welfare is a key consideration with all of its products. The company employees are into healthy eating too, and are always on the lookout for new and exciting products to help in the quest for a varied and balanced diet. Nothing too out there though- they are firm believers in organics and stick to natural, recognisable ingredients, just as nature intended.Suma is one of the few businesses in the UK that sell only vegetarian produce. You can be assured that all of its products are 100% vegetarian from its sweets to tooth-brushes. That means no meat, no fish and no animal derived nasties like gelatin or rennet. It is also a member of the Vegetarian Society, who aide in promoting a healthy, vegetarian lifestyle.Wrap your winter mits around a lovely bowl of hearty warming Minestrone soup. Suma's soup will warm your stomach and boost your vitamin intake with a symphony of organic vegetables.